Spark Academy takes part in the inaugural Canopé Network’s “Rencontres Ludopédagogiques” dedicated to French primary and secondary school teachers.

These meetings are organized every year by Canopé (public operator of the Ministry of National Education, Canopé’s mission is to ensure the continuing education of teachers in France), around the month of June. These conferences and training workshops on the theme of games and learning aim to provide teachers with theoretical and practical knowledge on the use of games in the classroom.
In 2022, Spark Academy took part in the inaugural event with a conference entitled “Board games and cognitive functions. What implications for school learning?”.
Léa Martinez, a doctoral student in cognitive psychology, presented the scientifically-demonstrated benefits of board games for reasoning, creativity, social bonds, and academic learning, such as mathematics and French. The conference was attended by several hundred teachers, and was accompanied by lively discussions on the practical use of board games in the classroom.