Spark Academy and the Libellud corporate foundation are joining forces to provide Crous (French Regional Centers for University and School Works) with adapted game libraries in order to bring the benefits of board games to students and encourage social bonding.

The #CrousPlay pilot project, initiated in 2019 as part of the International Gaming Cities (CIJ), was a great success and gave very positive results: during the year, more than 3,000 students participated in these events and more 2000 hours of entertainment were offered. In 2022, Spark Academy and the Libellud corporate foundation joined forces to extend this partnership nationally. A call for applications has been launched from all Crous in France to provide them with game libraries, and to organize events and tournaments in student living spaces and online (with Board Game Arena, for example).
Partnerships with private stakeholders are also envisaged. The Union of Board Game Publishers also joined the project. During the first year, 10 Crous joined the adventure, the project aiming to bring together all 26 Crous of France in the years to come. The Cnous (National Center for University and School Works) has also joined the project to add the board game to the training of Crous staff.